Scent-ual Date Night Idea

Tired of the same old dinner and a movie routine?  Spice up your date night for free with just a little bit of creativity and a whole lot of adventure.  This scent-ual date night idea is sure to win you some brownie points and make for some great memories in the making.

What You’ll Need:

  • An adventurous partner in crime
  • Our Satin Blindfold
  • 10 Goodies from around the house

What You’ll Do:

Explain to your date that you are going to play a guessing game using the senses.  You’ll blindfold them with the Satin Blindfold and then present to them 10 items they must correctly identify using only their nose.  For every item they “smell” correctly, they are entitled to one sexy item of their choice.  The more items they guess correctly, the more fun for both of you.  Be prepared to laugh — this game is one for the memories, for sure!

To take the Game to the Next Level:

While your partner is blindfolded, enjoy the bonus of having all of their senses heightened because one of their senses (sight) is taken away.  During the game you can heighten their sense of touch by not making physical contact with them at all.  Simply hold the object up to their nose and let them lean forward to smell.  By the 10th item, they should be so sensitive to the touch that any move you make will be amplified, so be strategic!  Fly around for a bit before making a landing.  But when you do, they’ll be begging for more.  Any product that is heated makes a wonderful addition to sensation play, such as our Hearts of Fire, Scandal Candle, Kiss of Fire, Making Love oil, Sultry oil, or our Pink Warming lubricant.

Did you know?

– The scent that is the #1 aphrodisiac for men is any type of baked good that reminds them of their childhood.  Apple pie, warm donuts, fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies… they all trigger a VERY strong reaction.  Our Cake product line capitalizes on this and turns you into their #1 aphrodisiac.
– The #1 aphrodisiac smell for a woman: baby powder.  The fresh scent elicits memories of soft babies or cuddly puppies and kittens.  Our Bare Essence perfume captures this delicate scent beautifully (with an additional kick of pheromones, too!)